Aims and Scopes

The artistic function of language, serving as a foundation for thought and reflection, contributes to the enhancement and deepening of language. When artistic elements merge with language, literary language takes shape. These elements manifest in various forms within the language, amplifying its impact. Tools and indicators that define literary language and elucidate its application and function are recognized through literary texts.

The primary aim of the Literary Language Research Journal is to provide an intellectual and scientific environment for national and international researchers to share and discuss their latest findings on literary language. It is hoped that the publication of this journal will promote the introduction of literary language and related research in Iran and worldwide, offering solutions for theoretical and practical issues in this field.

This journal published reputable articles in the following areas:

  • Essence, principles, and foundations of literary language
  • Critique and theories of literary language
  • Criteria of literary language
  • Linguistics features of literary language
  • Comparative studies in literary language
  • Stylistics of literary language
  • Comparative literature
  • General literature
  • Translation
  • Aesthetic considerations

To facilitate easy and swift access for researchers, libraries, and research centers to the latest research findings in this field, the journal provides open access to its articles. It utilizes the Magiran and Nooormags databases to create a distributed archiving system for libraries and individuals. This archiving system allows library authorities to have complete access to the collected articles.