First Stage (Author’s Responsibilities)

  1. Registration in the System:
    • Register in the System
  2. Completion of Authors’ Information Form:
    • Complete the authors’ information form with precision (no amendments are possible).
  3. Submission of Relevant Files:
    • 1. Letter to the Editor-in-Chief along with authors’ details, including: name, surname, position, contact number, email address, authors responsibility in the article (clearly identify the corresponding author or responsible author).
    • 2. Main text of the article without authors’ names, accompanied by and abstract and Persian and English keywords (refer here for article structure).
    • 3. Completion and signed commitment form for observing scientific ethics and data accuracy.
    • 4. Completion and signed conflict of interest form.

Second Stage (Journal Office Procedures):

  1. Initial Review by the Editorial Council (two possible outcomes):
    • 1. Rejection and archiving (10 days).
    • 2. Initial acceptance and sending the article to two reviewers (30 days).
  2. Receipt of Review Results (three possible outcomes):
    • 1. Rejection and archiving.
    • 2. Referral to a third reviewer (in case of disagreement between the opinions of the two previous reviewers).
    • 3. Acceptance and sending back to the author for revisions.
  3. Revisions by Authors:
    • Authors make the necessary revisions.
  4. Resubmission to Reviewers for Revision, Review, and Control
  5. Article Evaluation and Reviewers’ Comments by the Editorial Board (three possible outcomes):
    • 1. Final acceptance.
    • 2. Conditional acceptance pending final revisions by the author.
    • 3. Rejection and archiving/
  6. Submission to the Editor
  7. Preparation for Publication (after editing)

Review Process

Protecting scientific efforts and improving them leads to the review process of articles in scientific publications around the world gaining special importance. All journals of Allameh Tabtaba’i University Publications use a double-blind peer review process, meaning that authors and reviewers have no knowledge of each other’s identities.

Upon receiving the article file, its initial version is examined for scientific and linguistic plagiarism. Similarity detection systems are used in this process. All submitted articles are thoroughly reviewed to ensure their clearance from scientific and linguistic plagiarism. Then each version is reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.

The editor-in-chief endeavors to ensure complete confidentiality in the peer review process, and no one other than the authors and reviewers gains access to the content of the submitted article until its publication. The final decision regarding the publication of the article lies with the reviewers, and external factors do not influence this decision. In case of disagreement among peer reviewers, the final decision to accept or reject the article is made by a third reviewer or the editorial team.

After sending the file, the editorial team receives and conducts an initial review. If the article meets the necessary initial conditions for the review process, it is sent to the reviewers for a blind and anonymous review process. After completing the review process, the outcome will be one of the following three options:

  • Acceptance
  • Conditional acceptance (requiring review and revision)
  • Rejection

Allameh Tabataba’i University Publications strives to ensure that all individuals involved in the review process, especially anonymous reviewers, remain anonymous. To support this process, please pay attention to the following points when submitting your articles:

  • The first page of the submitted file should include the article title, authors’ names, affiliations, and contact information, including email, phone number, and full address.
  • The second page of the submitted file should only contain the article title without any other information.
  • None of the pages should contain any information about the authors’ identities before the abstract or in the footer.