Authors must first register in the Literary Language Research Journal system.

Registration guide in the system:

  • Log in to system and select the registration option.
  • Enter the requested information carefully in the fields (especially starred ones).
  • Save the information.
  • Log in to the system with the username and password sent to your email.

Acceptable articles

Submitted articles must be the result of scientific research based on the authors’ research, containing scientific achievements, creativity, and innovation, and accompanied by qualitative and quantitative research reports related to the literary language in a way that contributes to the advancement of science in this field. Submitted articles should not have been previously published or simultaneously submitted to another journal.

Article writing guide

Research articles have following structure: title, author(s), authors’ affiliation, abstract, keyword, introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, discussion and conclusion, references (in the original article file submitted to the journal system, the names of the authors and their affiliations should not be included).

Title: should be precise, concise, and express the main idea of the article and briefly state the variables, the problem, and their relationship. Words like study, examination, research, etc., should not be used.

Abstract: the comprehensive abstract should be between 150 to 250 words and include: objective, methodology, findings, innovation or research value, and conclusion.

Keywords: 5 to 7 keywords that refer to the main topic. Keywords can be combinations of two or more words. They should be separated by a comma.

Introduction: includes introductory explanations for entering the discussion, statement of the problem, main objective, research questions or hypotheses, and literature review. If necessary, the literature review can be presented under a separate title.

Literature review: it is better to use analytical or critical-analytical methods for reviewing previous studies. Research gaps can be explained in this section.

Methodology: includes research method or approach, research community, data collection tools, and analysis method.

Data analysis: analysis and presentation of collected data.

Discussion and conclusion: the main value of the research is hidden in this section. Research findings are determined, and their understanding and interpretation are expressed. Accurate interpretation of data, expression of the researcher’s perspective on the findings, comparison of research findings with findings of previous research, showing the positon of the research among similar research, expressing limitations, and research suggestions are presented in this section.

References: first, Persian sources are listed alphabetically by author’s last name, followed by Latin sources. Sources are separated by a hyphen and not numbered. The university’s style guide should be used in this section.

References should be arranged in-text based on the American Psychological Association (APA) pattern (author’s last name, publication year: page number). If a source is referred to twice consecutively, the full reference should be given each time, and avoid using words like Ibid, Ibidem, and the same place.

Line instructions: follow the approved Persian line instructions of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature.

Font type and size guide in the article:




Persian Title

15 bold

B zar

Persian Authors Names

12 bold

B compset

Persian Abstract


B zar


14 bold

B lotus


12 bold

B lotus



B zar

Page Header


B compest

Persian Footnote


B zar

Latin Footnote


Times new roman

Tables, Graphs and Figure Captions


B lotus

Persian References


B zar

Latin References


Times new roman

Font type and size guide for Latin:

Latin Abstracts:

Abstract Title

11 bold italic

Times new roman

Latin Title

14 bold

Times new roman

Latin Authors’ Names


Times new roman

Abstract Text


Times new roman