Narrative structures of Attar's Masnavies

habibollah abbasi; akram barazandeh

Volume 1, Issue 1 , April 2023, Pages 9-28

  Scholars of mystical poetry believe that a great number of Persian mystical Mathnavīs, especially the three wonderful works of Persian literature, namely Sanai’s Ḥadīqah al-Ḥaqīqah, ʿAttar’s Manṭiq al-Ṭayr and Mowlana’s Mathnavī Maʿnavī, have a common narrative structure ...  Read More

The Study of Word Order and Information Structure in The Fifth Century AH Prose Texts

Arsalan Golfam; MohammadJavad Borgh'ei

Volume 1, Issue 1 , April 2023, Pages 29-54

  Persian texts of the earlier period, can be selected as a good case study in the field of linguistics. It is possible to look at the texts of this period through the window of functionalist frameworks and to describe its linguistic features in such a way as to become a stylistic research tool for further ...  Read More

Cultural Foundation of Metaphors of Love in Rumi's Works

Ali Reza Shabanlu

Volume 1, Issue 1 , April 2023, Pages 55-82

  Culture and its components play a very important role in creating mental structures and patterns of thought, speech, behavior, and actions of individuals in society as they form the collective identity and social personality of individuals in society. In particular, the beliefs and rituals of creation ...  Read More

Lexical Metamorphoses in Bīdel’s Lyric Poems

seyyedmehdi tabatabaei

Volume 1, Issue 1 , April 2023, Pages 83-108

  Linguistic research is more complex than research in other literary fields, and it will be much more complicated if the research is done on a great poet like Mīrzā Abd al-Qādir Bidel, who rewrote his earlier poems and made corrections to them during his poetic maturity. This study seeks to show his ...  Read More

Functions and Applications of Dvandva in Persian Literary Texts

Houshang Moradi; Mostafa Gorji; Ali Amini

Volume 1, Issue 1 , April 2023, Pages 109-135

  In Persian, compound words that are produced by the structural pattern of “word + and + word = word” are called vāzhahʿaṭf, and naming the word as such emphasizes the compound nature of this type of construction in contrast to combination and coordinate syntactic group. In view of the ...  Read More

The Structure of the Figure of Speech Istikhdām and its Identification on the Basis of Ellipsis

Mozdeh KamaliFard

Volume 1, Issue 1 , April 2023, Pages 137-159

  Istikhdām is a rhetorical figure of speech based on double entendre or polysemy.  The ambiguity that exists in defining this figure of speech in Persian rhetorical books has led to inaccurate or wrong understanding of this figure and its examples. In this article, the author intends to offer a ...  Read More