The “Literary Language Research Journal” is a bilingual, double-blind, open-access periodical published by Allameh Tabataba’I University, recognized as a leading institution in humanities in Iran. This journal aims to provide an intellectual platform for national and international researchers with a focus on foundational topics in literary language. It covers a portion of the research advancements made in the field of literary language and strives to publish worthy articles that report significant findings in this domain.

Articles undergo a double-blind peer-review process.

Esteemed members of the academic community, researchers, and intellectuals are invited to submit research articles related to the journal’s themes through this system.

The main thematic areas of the journal include:

  • The essence, principles, and foundations of literary language
  • Critiques and theories of literary language
  • Examination of literary language criteria
  • Approaches and linguistic discussions in literary language
  • The relationship between literary language and other language genres
  • Historical developments in literary language
  • Comparative studies in literary language
  • Literary language and grammatical discussions
  • Stylistics of literary language
  • Other area related to language and literary text

When submitting articles, please complete, sign, and submit the commitment and conflict of interest forms.

If necessary, contact us at +98 9035235020

Grammatical and Rhetorical Techniques of Farhad Mirza in His Monsha’at: A Study of Six Official, Political, and Personal Letters

somaye aghababaei; amirhoseyn jmali

Volume 2, Issue 3 , December 2024, Pages 9-40

  The examination of language with the goal of elucidating and exploring social constructs constitutes a crucial domain of scholarly inquiry. Drawing from a methodical and cohesive approach rooted in critical linguistics and critical discourse analysis, researchers can delve into how social concepts, such ...  Read More

Analysis of Literary Language Varieties in Memoir Writing: A Study of Works from the Constitutional Revolution to the Islamic Revolution

omid majd; Niloofar Ansari

Volume 2, Issue 3 , December 2024, Pages 41-70

  Language is one of the key components that influence the audience in various literary and artistic genres and serves as a valuable resource for understanding the social, political, and cultural dynamics of different historical periods. In other words, the study of language reveals the nature and structure ...  Read More

Linguistic and Semiotic Structural Analysis of Sohrab Sepehri’s Poem "To the Garden of Companions" Based on Peircean Semiotics

Reza Ghanbari Abdolmaleki

Volume 2, Issue 3 , December 2024, Pages 71-106

  This article focuses on the linguistic and semiotic dimensions of Sohrab Sepehri's poem To the Garden of Companions, analyzed from the perspective of Peircean semiotics. The main aim of the study is to examine the interaction of linguistic structures and signs in this poem at three levels: iconic, indexical, ...  Read More

Narrative Structure Analysis of Fariba Vafi's Novels Based on Sara Mills' Approach at Three Levels: Discourse, Sentences, and Vocabulary, Focusing on My Bird and Dream of Tibet

solmaz ebrahimzadehdolatabad; iman mehriibayg; shapour noorazar; fatemeh shaykhlovand

Volume 2, Issue 3 , December 2024, Pages 107-146

  The literary genre of the novel is one of the genres in which the different use of language has led to stylistic differences between male and female novelists. This stems on the one hand from differences in their personal and social experiences, and on the other hand from the gender differences and worldviews ...  Read More

A Linguistic-Structural Study of the Chinese Translations of Sa'di's Gulistan: The How and Why of the Linguistic-Structural Gap Between the Translated Text of Gulistan and the Original Text, and the Ideological Alignments of the Translator


Volume 2, Issue 3 , December 2024, Pages 147-181

  The Golestan by Saʿdi has been officially translated into Chinese four times: twice by Muslim translators and twice by non-Muslim translators, one of them was indirectly translated from English and the other directly from Persian. Despite the text’s historical importance in China’s Muslim ...  Read More

Rhetorical Nuances in Different Interpretations of Attar Nishaburi

majid rastandeh; vahid Mobarak

Volume 2, Issue 3 , December 2024, Pages 183-218

  Persian literature, particularly its mystical genre, has a long-standing connection with the Holy Quran and Hadith. Beyond the conventional use of these two important Islamic sources, poets have sometimes directly quoted verses and hadiths, at other times engaged in interpretation (ta'wil), and in some ...  Read More

The Structure of the Figure of Speech Istikhdām and its Identification on the Basis of Ellipsis
Volume 1, Issue 1 , April 2023, , Pages 137-159

  Istikhdām is a rhetorical figure of speech based on double entendre or polysemy.  The ambiguity that exists in defining this figure of speech in Persian rhetorical books has led to inaccurate or wrong understanding of this figure and its examples. In this article, the author intends to offer a ...  Read More

Types of Semantic Deviation in Nasrollāh Monshi's Kalilah va Demnah
Volume 2, Issue 1 , June 2024, , Pages 159-182

  Abstract Language, as the primary medium of literature and communication, plays a crucial role in creating literary works. Among the various tools writers and poets use to harness language's power and enrich their work is semantic deviation, a concept that emerged with the formalist school of literary ...  Read More

Aesthetics in the poems of Rabia Qazdari
Volume 1, Issue 2 , June 2023, , Pages 167-184

  Aesthetics is an ability to better understand perceptions as well as phenomena such as music that causes a change in a person's mood and attitude. In fact, the definition of beauty can be very broad or very narrow. Some have tried to define beauty in an objective matter especially to search: for example, ...  Read More

Investigation and analysis of the process of transformation of “Samandar”(salamander) in Persian, Western and Chinese ancient texts
Volume 1, Issue 4 , March 2024, , Pages 9-28

  The Word "Samandar" which means a mythical Eurasian animal has been mentioned in the form of various animals in Chinese, Persian and Western historical texts and literature. In Western texts, this animal was usually described as a "tailed amphibian that lives in fire", which is actually considered the ...  Read More

Narrative structures of Attar's Masnavies
Volume 1, Issue 1 , April 2023, , Pages 9-28

  Scholars of mystical poetry believe that a great number of Persian mystical Mathnavīs, especially the three wonderful works of Persian literature, namely Sanai’s Ḥadīqah al-Ḥaqīqah, ʿAttar’s Manṭiq al-Ṭayr and Mowlana’s Mathnavī Maʿnavī, have a common narrative structure ...  Read More

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